All you need is Netigma to make it easy.

Netigma for Whom

Netigma for you


  • your applications have become outdated and cannot meet your business requirements,
  • you need to change the way of doing business  and digitalize quickly in order to be more competitive,
  • the digitization steps you need to take to grow your business have turned into a headache due to endless IT, operations,
  • the expected contribution from expensive software investments is not obtained,
  • the workload of your IT units is increasing and the unit carries a heavy burden exceeding its capacity,
  • your IT units spend a large part of their resources to ensure the sustainability of existing applications instead of innovation and digitization,
  • you are discouraged in the way of digitalization due to wrong software investments,
  • your software departments cannot recruit qualified software developers within your budget,
  • your business units have begun to solve their own business requirements that are not met by IT departments.
netigma for you


  • your business ideas require a long time and large budgets to turn into software,
  • the business needs of your customers are constantly changing and you need to update your software frequently,
  • it is not possible to respond quickly to customers' urgent needs,
  • it is difficult to recruit qualified software developers within your budget,
  • the workload on software teams is not evenly distributed among employees,
  • high software development costs are a disadvantage for you in market competition,
  • the long processes of turning your business ideas into the software prevents your rapid penetration into the market,
  • the delay of prototypes and POC studies is killing the excitement of your customers / customer candidates,
  • you miss potential sales opportunities due to limited resources.
“We took 75% of our code when moving our MIS software to Netigma.”